This page exists to list the various designs I've created, and the technical data I've spent some of my time reorganizing to make it more accessible to normal people. A lot of my time behind a computer is spent either making or using these sorts of things, so I'd like to be able to share them with others. I hope you get some use out of these, even if that is just as something to look at.
Technical drawings
STEP file
Additional documentation
Printable variants
This package is currently in beta at The Gatalog.
The Bi-Poly is an as-of-yet unreleased remix of the Mono-Poly: a originally by MBBI. This package encompasses the three major variants of AR: AR-10, AR-9, and AR-15. It implements a variety of improvements to the original, like DIY front pin reinforcements, and a removable selector detent. It also includes an enormous list of variants, like a bufferless variant, different grips, non-reinforced versions, and a collapsible stock variant.
Technical drawings
STEP file
Additional documentation
Printable variants
The BB15 is essentially a bullpup version of the Bi-Poly. It works with the FM Products Mike-15 / FM15, Brownells BRN180, and even generic AR15 uppers - provided you have a bufferless bolt carrier like the Law Tactical ARIC or the EWS BCG.
It was created in response to the Phantom Pup by the eponymous FM15Bullpup, due to being too complicated (in my opinion). Both designs are still in active development, and things will change for both, though at present (December 2024), my design has a significantly lowered part count and BOM, and does not require purchasing any complex milled parts from a laser cutting service.
The trigger is crisp and light, and the ergonomics are essentially 1:1 with the Desert Tech MDR / WLVRN, with a front mag release, AR-style safety, bottom-rear bolt release, and so on.
Technical drawings
STEP file
Additional documentation
Printable variants