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Some good tunes

27 Jun 2024


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12 Jun 2024


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Some good tunes
27 Jun 2024
21:52 UTC

Music is a wonderful way to connect with people.  I think even in the most disparate of people, similarities and differences in music taste can lead to a lot of interesting conversations about who you are as a person and your experiences in life, and how those fit into everyone else's.  If you are ever to make a '20 questions' template of some kind, you would be doing yourself a disservice to not include a question about music.  It's one of the foundational things that people connect with, like any other art, even for those who don't spend as much time on it as they may their hobbies.

To say no more, I'd like to share some of my personal favorite albums, for everyone to peruse and compare and contrast against their own and others'.  When I've compared musical tastes with some of my friends, I've pretty often run into situations where I didn't know even half of the artists they mentioned.  I've included the year of release here as well- I think there could be some interesting conclusions drawn from these in my own and your musical tastes.  I have many questions that still need answers, about who I am and what made me the way I am - and exploring these, I think, is getting me closer to what I'm looking for.


I'm linking to another page on my site that contains these, because I intend to update this list from time to time, and because of the I wrote my blog system.  Post dates are pulled from the metadata (file modification time) of the text file that I store these posts in.  If you add ".txt" to the end of any of the URLs here, it'll link you directly to said text file.  This system is very weird in a lot of ways, but that's a tangent for a different day.

Anyway, enjoy!