
Welcome to my site! This place exists so I have somewhere to share things that will exist and be accessible for as long as I plausibly will. I have never been one to trust social platforms for a variety of reasons - though chiefly because many of the things I have an interest in (furry art, 3d printing, firearms, etc.) seem to be verboten on major platforms, and actively pursued for complete erasure by the people in charge.

The primary resident of this site is my art gallery. In case any of the platforms I use to reach people end up getting wiped out, or enshittifying themselves to the point they finally go under, I'll be here for as long as I'm making art, and am able to host a site like this.

I'll put a brief description of all the different parts of the site here:

About This page! Scroll below for a description of myself and what all I do.
Art My gallery. Almost all of my art, good and bad, will be posted here.
CAD 3d models of all kinds, solid-body and mesh alike. This will mostly be firearms and other mechanisms, but if I ever make more than basic attempts at character models with blender, I'll share those here too.
Digital Programming! Hardware! Games, websites, scripts, general computer things, etc. I haven't made much of note in this avenue yet, but I will fill it out once I think it deserves its own page.
Audio I have made music on occasion. None of it is particularly good, but some of it I think is worth sharing.
Photography Art without a pencil. I enjoy going on walks at weird times of day in weird places, and have done a wee bit of urban exploration.
Writing I write at length about many things most people don't care about. Maybe one of the categories appeals to you!
Archival Anything I think deserves to be preserved, but may be bad form for, or won't really fit in with, the Internet Archive. I'll try to mirror anything I host here on there, too, and vise versa, just for redundancy.
Contact & Elsewhere Links to other places I can be reached, or my creations can be accessed.
Everything else Anything that may not fit with the rest. Things made for me instead of by me, maybe.


I'm Cal / Caliber, née 8762e13. From, and residing in a little po-dunk town in the US. I've been drawing and painting seriously since December 2017, and have scarcely skipped a day since. I've dabbled in music, though I have yet to learn much there. Most of my time that isn't spent on art or work, is on technology and mechanics. Making the world around us do things by shaping bits of wood, metal and plastic is something everyone should try at least once. Steel outlasts many things.

If I am to have one stated goal in life, that is to make other people happy. I see no greater good in life than making those around me feel better about things. Finding a new outlook, finding agency, taking control of their circumstances, discovering new hobbies, new interests, rediscovering old ones, whatever. Something to allow them to pursue their goals, or create new ones, and feel good doing it.

I hope you enjoy the things I am able to share here, and that they inspire you to create things of your own.